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Frank Sinatra - Desafinado

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Cinsiyet: Erkek
Yaş : 32
Kayıt tarihi : 07/06/08
Mesaj Sayısı : 4208
Nereden : Ankara
Lakap : WeBmAsTeR
Frank Sinatra - Desafinado Vide
MesajKonu: Frank Sinatra - Desafinado Frank Sinatra - Desafinado EmptyC.tesi Tem. 25, 2009 10:23 pm

When I try to sing you say Im off key
Why cant you see how much this hurts me
With your perfect beauty and your perfect pitch
Youre a perfect terror
When I come around must you always put me down

If you say my singing is off key my love
You will hurt my feelings dont you see my love
I wish I had an ear like yours
A voice that would behave
But all I have is feelings and a voice gone deaf

You insist my music goes against the rules
But rules were never meant for lovesick fools
I wrote this little song for you but you dont care
Its a crooked song oh but all my love is there

The thing that you would see if you would play your part
Is even if Im out of tune I have a gentle heart
I took your picture with my trusty rollaflex
And now all I have developed is a complex

Possibly in vain I hope you weaken oh my love
And forget these rigid rules that undermine my dream of
A life of love and music with someone wholl understand
That even though I may be out of tune
When I attempt to say how much I love you
All that matters is the message that I bring
Which is my dear one I love you
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Frank Sinatra - Desafinado

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